A media agency that combines entertainment and education together.

BLACSPICE MEDIA, spearheaded by Saleem Hadi, a media trainer, theatre practitioner and film-maker, is a creative agency that has two wings of operations media production and media enrichment programmes. We aim to produce dynamic and engaging content and bring about an awareness and in creating media content amongst the general public, specifically youths and young adults. Our intentions are:
+ to produce dynamic and engaging content
+ bring about an awareness and interest in creating media content amongst the general public,specifically youths and young adults




Premiere Of KOLUSU

The premiere screening of the film KOLUSU is coming up in a few more days. Have you gotten your tickets ...
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KOLUSU’s Movie Screening

As shared on KOLUSU OFFICIAL's Facebook Page: Registristations for KOLUSU movie is available now for the 3rd December screening. Tickets are ...
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KOLUSU’s Feature on Tamil Murasu

As shared on KOLUSU OFFICIAL's Facebook Page: An article on S.I.T.F.E's latest Tamil short film, KOLUSU, featured on Tamil Murasu ...
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Featured Works


Saleem Hadi

Saleem Hadi

Creative Director
Saleem Hadi is an active contributor in areas of arts & media for the past 15 years. He won the
D. Piriyadarisini

D. Piriyadarisini

Piriya is currently working, as a teacher in a special needs school. She takes on active roles in S.I.T.F.E.’s events.
Jawhar Nisha

Jawhar Nisha

Strategic Marketing/Admin
Nisha, equipped with 20 years of professional experience and knowledge in business administration, is an arts enthusiast with a passion