Programme Synopsis

ACTPRESSO is an acting-to-express acting course that trains any student even without prior knowledge in theatre performances. Students will learn about the internal and external tools that an actor uses to perform – primarily would be mind, face, body, voice, core emotions, and expressions. Students will also learn to analyze texts and work it to their advantage. Students will understand space awareness and how to react appropriately in different situations. This highly hands-on course promises to develop the students’ confidence and equip them with the essential performance knowledge and techniques they would need to display their acting skills. They will stage mini skits in pairs or in groups, in classrooms, as a final showcase for the entire programme.

Learning Objectives

  • Students will understand what is acting and the tools an actor uses.
  • Students will know what are the various emotions, expressions and intentions one needs to use in performance.
  • Students will know the different types of space and demonstrate how space is an integral part in performance.
  • Students will understand the importance of characters and characterization.
  • Students will know how to perform confidently with believability.

Programme Details

Programme Title: ACTPRESSO (Conducted in English/Tamil)
Art form: Theatre
Target Audience: Upper Pri, Sec (Lower & Upper), ITE, Poly
Venue required: Classrooms with no tables and chairs/ Studio (Air Conditioned)
Duration of each session: 2 hrs
Total no. of sessions: 5 sessions
Material/ Equipment needed: Projector, Computer, White Board
Student: Instructor Ratio: 30 students to 1 instructor


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