Programme Synopsis
FROM BOOK TO SCREEN is a video-trailer production programme which infuses the art of film-making and book reading amongst students. Local authors have beautifully crafted a plethora of novels and short stories, that are getting recognized and winning accolades even in the international arena till date. Students can learn the history of Singapore, the varying lifestyles and experiences of characters and many more facets of Singapore, by reading the local stories. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Spiderman were originally just books that eventually marveled many into making it a visual franchise it is today. Students too can make the stories they read into visuals. Each student is tasked to read 3-5 short stories. After which, as a group, they are to unanimously discuss and select the portion from the story that interests them and make it into a 1-min trailer, ending with a cliffhanger and the picture of the book. Students who watch these trailers, will in turn be motivated to read more and uncover the huge potential in them, to not only make trailers but also films based on books. This programme aims to groom students to be visual storytellers for which they need to read extensively.
Learning Objectives
- Students will be introduced to trailers and its significance.
- Students will read local writers’ short stories.
- Students will learn how to make video trailers based on scenes from local writers’ stories to entice potential readers.
- Students will develop and enhance creativity in effective quick visual story-telling by learning scripting, camera techniques and editing.
Programme Details
Programme Title: From Books to Screen (Conducted in English/Tamil)
Art form: Film & Multimedia
Target Audience: Sec (Lower & Upper), ITE, Poly
Venue required: Classrooms with no tables and chairs/ Studio (Air Conditioned)
Duration of each session: 2 hrs
Total no. of sessions: 6 sessions
Material/ Equipment needed: Projector, Computer, White Board
Student: Instructor Ratio: 25 students to 1 instructor