Programme Synopsis
PAZHAMOZHI:PALATHIRAI (PROVERBS & MANY SCREENS) is a short film making programme using Tamil Proverbs. A Proverb is a popularly known simple and concrete saying, that expresses a value/virtue based on common sense, a belief or an experience. Tamil proverbs have been translated into many languages till date and its meanings are worldly recognised just like the Thirukkural. This programme aims to inculcate good values to the students in a fun and engaging way. While learning about film making, with which students can execute other creative presentations and projects in the future, students will also learn about Tamil and its invaluable proverbs as they would be required to make 1-2min short films based on the proverbs chosen. These films being short and crisp, makes the videos more viral and accessible through social media. Students will learn the stages of production, story development, camera techniques, composition, editing and eventually, on how to develop confidence in presentations. This programme is highly recommended for students/schools who are looking at producing worldly content in a short span of time.
Learning Objectives
- Students will understand the Tamil proverbs and demonstrate their understanding by producing videos based on the Tamil proverbs.
- Students will be introduced to the art of film-making and to all the stages involved in a video production
- Students will develop and enhance creativity in effective visual story-telling by learning scripting, storyboarding, cinematography and editing.
Programme Details
Programme Title: PAZHAMOZHI:PALATHIRAI (Tamil)
Art form: Film & Multimedia
Target Audience: Sec (Lower & Upper), ITE, Poly
Venue required: Classrooms and Computer labs
Duration of each session: 2 hrs
Total no. of sessions: 6 sessions
Material/ Equipment needed: Projector, Computer, White Board
Student: Instructor Ratio: 25 students to 1 instructor